Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's Time to Move!

Dear Blog,

Moving day is here and it comes with a heightened sense of anticipation or perhaps a crippling sense of anxiety, second-guessing and discombobulating thoughts-thoughts that we've wrestled with way too long.  We admit, our current situation is no longer serving us - we're cramped, the environment is no longer conducive for growth, what started out as a high equity situation has now depreciated. What used to have curb-appeal is now an eyesore, what used to breathe life into us has now sucked us dry!  The passion we once had has now dwindled to a mere force of action--we are going through the motions without purpose or passion, just choo-chooing along, perpetrating and emulating.

No, this is not a physical move, it's much more - it's your life honey and your message to the world!  So why then is making a decision about your life, your spirituality, your career, your relationship, your family, your church, your children, your parents, your livelihood so complicated!  I'll tell you why -  because we fear the unknown and we fear the judgment of others.  Bump them!  Do you boo!  Make that change!  I can't tell you what that is for you but I will tell you this - change is inevitable and if you don't make it on your own, change has a way of creeping up on us by force and God knows that is one of the most excruciating, uncomfortable and agonizing places to find yourself in.  Once you come out of it, you're so beat up and stripped that all you want to do is breathe - and nothing more.

One thing I know for sure about my life is that "it didn't go as planned" and today I have no regrets because my situation has flipped - my loss has turned out to be my gain for I gained new life but it wasn't without struggle.  I have a greater and deeper appreciation for those things that others take for granted; I have a new love and a new lease; a new passion and new adventures, I'm reading and writing and blogging and loving and living and it feels so damn good!  So go ahead take that step - start packing, de-cluttering, renovating, redecorating, downsizing, upsizing and doing the work.  Tell your past, "I no longer live there" and move on -  a new neighborhood awaits you!

Today's blog was inspired by You
Thanks for the company!


  1. Thanks hun! Your support gives me life.

  2. Thanks Denise! You are good about supporting my blog. Love you girl!

  3. OMG, Lorraine. This blog was for me. It is confirmation for some things I want to do but have not had the drive to do them. Thanks for sharing your talents and motivating and inspiring others through your written word. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to hearing when the big date is!!! LOLO

  4. Thanks The New Me - your response is definitely encouraging. I must know you but cant place you right now. Help me out.
